Protecting a sacred place
The Hui Mālama Polihale is a non-profit organized by lineal descendants of Polihale created to preserve and perpetuate the culture and heritage of Mānā, Kauaʻi.
‘Polihale: The Place of Our Hearts’ Trailer
This is the trailer for the short documentary being created on the oral histories and conservation of Polihale by the Kilauano family and aloha ʻaina community on Kauaʻi.
Polihale is an ancestral burial ground
Polihale is a leina, or jumping off place for souls in traditional Hawaiian belief. For this reason thousands were buried in the dunes and the surrounding area. The dunes are a fragile ecosystem with rare and endangered plants that can easily be irreparably damaged. With limited park staff the lineal descendents of the area and volunteers maintain the dunes and the fragile archaeological areas. Please respect Kapu (off limits) signs, pack your garbage, do not drive on the dunes, and use designated bathroom areas.